Author: Cho Luna
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket, Skyrim
Pairing: not yet
Word count: 409
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A mythical dragon ruins a school trip, and six dragonborns involved find themselves in a dangerous mission to kill the dragon.
A/N: a crossover between KnB and Skyrim V : The Elder Scrolls. There will be a lot of friendship pairs here but only a dash of ghei, so don’t expect too much. We try to make it safe for non-fujoshis.. well, not guaranteed tho.. mwehehe. Writing ghei stories is irresistible, lol. Well, gonna post the first chapter in a few. Anyway, if you’ve seen this before, there’s two authors, so it will be posted in two places. And anyway, we decided to make a deadline for updates, which will be the first of every month. Or at least, within the first weeks. Sorry for making the date far awayy >< school’s such a dumbass. Anyways, here comes the prologue, so enjoy, and we hope it’ll be good enough to catch your attention.