Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Before The Evening Star - A Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction [Teaser/Chapter 0]

Title: Before The Evening Star (Teaser)
Author: Cho Luna
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket, Skyrim
Pairing: not yet
Word count: 409
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A mythical dragon ruins a school trip, and six dragonborns involved find themselves in a dangerous mission to kill the dragon.

A/N: a crossover between KnB and Skyrim V : The Elder Scrolls. There will be a lot of friendship pairs here but only a dash of ghei, so don’t expect too much. We try to make it safe for non-fujoshis.. well, not guaranteed tho.. mwehehe. Writing ghei stories is irresistible, lol. Well, gonna post the first chapter in a few. Anyway, if you’ve seen this before, there’s two authors, so it will be posted in two places. And anyway, we decided to make a deadline for updates, which will be the first of every month. Or at least, within the first weeks. Sorry for making the date far awayy >< school’s such a dumbass. Anyways, here comes the prologue, so enjoy, and we hope it’ll be good enough to catch your attention.

Kuroko no Basuke FanFiction! Takao's Hitori Kakurenbo (One Man Hide & Seek)

Summary: Takao received a packet from a faded return address, and soon after, he found himself trapped in the game of death.

Hello, I'm back with an one shot KnB FF~
It's about the Hitori Kakurenbo aka one man hide and seek with ghost~
And 90% of the ritual steps in this fanfic are real (based on some testimonial I got from the holy internet lol), so DO NOT PERFORM ANY STEP OF THE RITUAL IN THIS FF AT HOME. If you still curious, TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK! This game evolves vengeful spirit that may harm your life~ So please don't try even a bit~

Happy Reading!

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Kawaii no Sedai~ (Kuroko no Basuke Papercraft~)

Well it's goin' to 12.00 am in my country ryt now (when i'm sitting and typing this post lol)

And I'm kinda bored- Dunno what to post
I think I'll just post this papercraft of Kuroko no Basuke~
They're adorable. aren't they? XD

Well click here to get those adorable Kiseki no Sedai papercraft template~

For the rillakkuma boxes, i forgot where's the direct link to the boxes templates but i save the main url's for the blog: http://kuma0rila.blog120.fc2.com/

You can find maaaaaany super kawaii rillakkuma papercrafts there!

So have fun with em'~

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

Kuroko no Basuke - Ala Skyrim (Before The Evening Star) Fanfiction CRACK!

Kemaren lusa, ane ngepost fanfic terbaru ane - well, fanfic Kurobas - yang setelah 1 bln baru rampung~ YEAHH #apasih
dan dibalik pembuatan fanfic itu, terdapat CRACK yang PARAH POL jalur kisah e... dibikin sama orang ke-3 dalam pembuatan fanfic ini... Bahasanya kasar dan 90% dalam bahasa jawa, jadi yang gak ngerti bahasa jawa.... renungi sendiri apa artinya XD
tapi basa inggris loh, jadi yg inggrisnya parah, you'd better go away~ karena bahasanya banyak yg gampang2 susah~

PS: brace yourself, saya TIDAK menata ulang pengetikan crack ini dalam format yang enak dipandang mata (karena ini format aslinya waktu kami nulis, jadi ngaco). Kerusakan pada lensa mata yang teralu sering berakomodasi ditanggung oleh pembaca sendiri.

Biologi Bab 2 Kelas X SMA: Virus

~ Ciri-Ciri Virus
1. Ukurannya renik (25nm-300nm)
2  Berbentuk batang, bulat, & polyhedral/segi banyak
3. Virus bukanlah sel (aseluler) >Hanya memiliki materi genetik/asam nukleat (DNA/RNA) & selubung protein/kapsid
4. Virus hanya dapat bereproduksi dalam tubuh inang/organisme lain (parasit obligat)

Bakteriophage (Virus T)

Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Before The Evening Star - A Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction [Chapter 1]

Title: Before The Evening Star (1/?)
Authors: Cho Luna and Fausey
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket, Skyrim
Pairing: friendships: Aomine/Kuroko, Murasakibara/Himuro, Midorima/Takao
Word count: 6,012
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A mythical dragon ruins a school trip, and six dragonborns involved find theirselves in a dangerous mission to kill the dragon.
PS: There's a teaser for this FF, you can read it/ not, it's up to you
but I suggest you to read it since it's really cooool XD click here to read!

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Ahola Aloha Ahola! Some Announcement From ME!

Heyyyy dudeeee
Long time no seeeeee XD

Well, as you dont know, im have retired from k-pop fangurl world.
Why? IDK, am not sure why too.. Maybe because my ultimate bias (Yesung) go to the army?
Maybe because Yunho never kiss Jaejoong? #splakk

Sooo, according to information up there, from now on I will never post anything about k-pop world (well actually idk if the never is rly2 never since I have a k-pop fanfiction project with my friend).
Understand? XD

And... I think now im starting to back to my old self- an otaku, anime&manga lovers..
And Kuroko no Basuke also Haikyuu got my attention XD
So now am not in any k-pop fandom anymore.
Am in the KnB and Assassins Creed (since am a gamer too) fandom.

Well i think that's all about today's announcement.
Bye2 and sorry for RIP grammar, since i got my brain fucked by em.